- Natural latex pet mattressMarques de Valdueza Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Size Single 16.9 Fluid-Ounce Bottle Case of (6) 16.9- Ounce Bottles

Rich and buttery with a delicate, slightly floral finish. An outstanding finishing oil- pour over grilled seafood or poultry. Delicate and rich, glides across your palate like melted butter.

Quick Facts

Origin: Merida, Spain
Unit Size: 16.9 oz.

The Flavor Experience

Round and full, this oil is full of fresh fruity notes- tomato, persimmon, even banana shine through. Finishes with hints of nutmeg and allspice.

The Story

This oil is produced by a single estate that has been in the family since 1624. So rich in tradition, the Perales estate was only modernized for production in the 1980s. An olive blend is used for this oil and features a rare varietal named Morsica that is native to their estate.

Usage Tips

Toss greens, Ortiz sardines, roasted red peppers and a generous splash of this oil together for the perfect lunch.