- Elderly dog ​​joint care mattressBeekeeping Deep Brood Box (Assembled) - 10 Frame


Harvest Lane Honey's best selling painted and assembled Deep Box Combo comes with 10 frames and plastic beeswax coated foundations. Used as the first or second box on the hive.

  • Standard Langstroth design
  • Primed and painted with two coats of exterior white paint, which allows the hive to breathe
  • Finished joints & Smooth finish
  • Handles on all 4 sides
  • 10 frames assembled with beeswax coated foundation
  • Assembled and finished
  • Made of USA quality lumber farmed by renewable foresters & USA beeswax coated foundation
  • 10 Frame Box Dimensions: 10" high x 21" wide x 16.375" deep
  • Will fit with all standard Langstroth 10 frame hives on the market.