-Anti-slip claw protection raincoat FOR dogsBlack Garlic Molasses

Size Single 8.45-Ounce Bottle Case of (6) 8.45-Ounce Bottles

Use in place of balsamic vinegar and explore endless culinary horizons.

Quick Facts

Origin: Aomori, Japan
Unit Size: 8.45 oz/100% Black Garlic

The Flavor Experience

Imagine thick, syrupy, extra-aged balsamic vinegar, but with less acidity and a sweet, roasted garlic flavor profile throughout. That's what you have here.

The Story

A bit of happenstance resulted in this product hitting the market. For decades, the Japanese government has been studying the health benefits of black garlic, and recently concluded that regular consumption will minimize or prevent the onset of Alzheimer's and dementia. They are so convinced of this, they are providing grants to black garlic producers to buy the equipment necessary to convert the garlic into pill form. The government then buys back the pills from the producer and distribute them to the state-run elderly care facilities.

The first step in the process of converting garlic to pill form is to slow-roast it until the sugars caramelize, and then pulverize it into a syrup. Our importer of black garlic happened to be in the facility during this stage of the process, tasted it, and requested the bottle it for him. The rest is history.

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Usage Tips

For summer on a plate, drizzle this over Caprese salad. Glaze a quick-and-easy stir fry, or marinate pork or chicken before grilling. It would make a delightful - and visually striking - garlicky mashed potato dish.

Recipe by Jackie Botto

Elevate your instant ramen!

1. Marinate a pork tenderloin in equal parts Black garlic molasses and soy sauce for at least 1 hour.
2. Prepare your favorite instant ramen noodles and broth.
3. Sear tenderloin on 4 sides about 2 minutes per side.
4. Allow pork to rest.
5. In the same pan, add sliced mushrooms and a drizzle of oil (preferably sesame). Saute until they reach a deep brown color.
6. Finish mushrooms with a drizzle of the black garlic molasses.
7. Top the ramen with sliced pork, and mushrooms.

Additional tasty add-ons:

Sliced scallions
Nori sheets
An eight minute egg
Japanese Togarashi spice