- Deodorizing cat litter tofu litterFlower Seed

Size 1OZ

bbbseed 10678 Flower Seed, Wildflower, 1 oz

A beautiful display of hardy species found in the rocky mountain regions. These species normally take a year to become established and will bloom the second or third year after planting. Some may bloom the first year. Mix contains species like Rocky Mountain Penstemon, Columbine, Yellow Coneflower, Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Blue Flax, Perennial Lupine, Mountain Lupine, Wild Iris, Showy Goldeneye, Dwarf Godetia, Prairie Aster, Larkspur, Purple Coneflower, Aspen Daisy, Mexican Hat, Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Black-eyed Susan, Lance-leaf and Plains Coreopsis, Firewheel, Indian Blanket, Palmer Penstemon, Narrow Leaf Penstemon and Wallflower.