-Non-contact cat thermometerPondini Alma de Cerron

Size Case of (2) 5.2-Pound Wheels

Subtle goat flavor, with a spicy undertone.

Quick Facts

Country of Origin: Spain
Milk Type/Treatment: Goat
Rennet Type: Animal

The Flavor Experience

Think Manchego, but with a bit more oomph.

The Story

The Cerron family has been producing goat cheeses on their farm is La Mancha, Spain, since 1987. Their goats are fed fresh grass, cereals and forage frown on the farm. Due to a unique, high-humidity ageing technique, this aged goat exhibits a creamy yet crumbly texture and a sweet-spicy flavor.

Usage Tips

Take a small step outside of the realm of Manchego, and pair Cerron with Membrillo, fig cake and Jamon Serrano. Drink Spanish whites or lagers with it.